Red Squirrel Arborcare exists to connect humans to trees. In the face of increasing population, habitat fragmentation, climate change, and the myriad of other plights we face in this century, natural resource protection is of utmost import. In Maine, trees are a big part of that equation. Beyond being beautiful organisms, they provide many services including air and water filtration, heating and cooling benefits, sound and light buffering, and property value augmentation. In short, trees provide many services that we take for granted. In return, they ask for very little but they do so quietly and it requires a keen ear to hear them.
Red Squirrel Arborcare was started by Caleb Mende to provide environmentally friendly, low impact tree care. Red Squirrel relies on technical rope access and rigging techniques rather than bucket trucks or heavy machinery thereby reducing emissions and environmental disturbance during operations. Additionally, these techniques give Red Squirrel the ability to work in locations otherwise inaccessible to machinery. Once material is removed, Red Squirrel strives to re-purpose it whether that's as mulch for gardens, firewood, habitat, or milling it for furniture or lumber.
Red Squirrel is highly safety conscious and follows the guidelines set out in the ANSI Z133 Safety Standards for Arboriculture. Caleb Mende holds the Certified Arborist credential through the International Society of Arboriculture ( Additionally, per Maine law, Red Squirrel is fully insured to protect client's interests.